
Get a B200 Simulator with Live ATC!

PFC Sim Using LIVE ATC via PilotEdge In an engaging demonstration at NBAA 2023 in Las Vegas, Keith Smith, the visionary founder of Pilot Edge, showcased the innovative integration of live air traffic control within the Precision Flight Controls King Air B200 simulator. This pioneering approach, facilitated by Pilot Edge’s dedicated employees over the internet, aims to significantly elevate pilot training […]

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56 Seconds

56 Seconds to Live: VR Training Improves Helicopter Safety

Are you aware that 56 seconds is the median time before a fatal helicopter accident occurs when pilots lose visual references unexpectedly? This statistic is alarming, and it highlights the importance of proper training to avoid accidents. A recent study was conducted to examine how different factors of pilot proficiency affect pilots’ ability to respond to degraded visual conditions during flights. The study found that experience can minimize the negative effects associated with a lack of currency and training. Additionally, the study suggests that virtual reality training opportunities could make a significant difference in improving helicopter safety in degraded visual conditions. The study was conducted using Precision Flight Controls’ HeliMod simulator, which provided a fully immersive experience.

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